You can order everything from electronics to home appliances and have it delivered to your door step or self pickup

Delivery is made to all major cities and towns in Ghana

Yes. You can place an order and receive it on the same day

Monday to Friday 8:00am to 6:30pm
Saturday to Sunday 9:00am to 6:30pm

Yes. Payments can be made at any time of delivery?

We accept: Cash on delivery, MTN Mobile Money, Online Payment using Flutterwave

We’ll send you a “Ready for Pickup” notification and an email when order is ready for pickup.

Yes. Contact customer support to add alternate pickup person to your order

If you still don’t have your order after your delivery window has passed, contact customer support using the Chat button

If you were charged for items you did not receive, we’ll issue a refund. Make a return or refund request.

If an item does not meet your needs, let us know that you don’t want it. We will not charge you for that item.
If you realize that an item will not work for you when you get home, don’t worry. Follow the steps to start. A return and get a refund.
Note: Delivery drivers cannot process rejected items. If you are not happy with an item you received, use the website. To stat a return and get a refund

Yes. You can cancel your order on the website any time before the cutoff.

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